
Couch #2 – Madame Pamita

This category contains 2 posts

Kickstarter Reminder! (5 DAYS LEFT!) + 50 Couches in 50 Nights featured on LAist, AFAR, and CouchSurfing.org! + 2 year Anniversary!

5 more days!   Make your pledge on Kickstarter today!



Over the weekend, the 50 Couches in 50 Nights project was featured on LAist.com, and specifically, the blog, and more specifically Madame Pamita and Maura


it was also mentioned on AFAR’s “What we’re reading” blog…


and late last week, CouchSurfing.org posted about the project on their facebook page…


All of this is very exciting and generated a record amount of traffic on the blog and on many of the social networking sites. People were reading the stories, liking the facebook page, tweeting about it, checking out the photos on flickr, and following along on tumblr.   The Kickstarter page got some attention too, and  even led to some pledges being made.  Yay!

And all of this was on top of it being the 2 year anniversary of the start of the project on May 31st.  I’ll post a short blog about that soon.

It’s already been quite a busy and emotional time, but we’re not through yet!  There’s ONLY 5 MORE DAYS left in order for me to meet my goal, and if I don’t meet my goal, I won’t receive ANY of the funding.  We’re currently at $3901, so we are close, but I need your help to get to $5000.


If you haven’t already, please click the photo below, check out the Kickstarter video and rewards and become a backer by clicking the green “Back This Project” button.  Even $5 helps me to get there and you can pre-order a book there now too.


I would greatly appreciate it if you would continue to spread the word.  Every share on facebook, tweet you send, or friend you tell, helps not only make the campaign a success, it helps the project to grow.

thank you very much for your continued support,

